Salman Khan has allegedly had a showdown with Bigg Boss producers putting the final nail to the coffin of him not doing the next season of Bigg Boss. If sources are to believed, Salman has not taken Kushal Tandon's wild card entry in good spirit because of his show down with the television actor on national television. When the channel producers planned to get Kushal back, Salman was against it, but since the TRPs had been affected, the producers pleaded Salman to accept it with a pinch of salt. "Salman is still unhappy and spoke to the producers about his exit from the show. He wanted to abruptly quit but anticipating legal trouble Salman has opted to complete the season and abide by the contract," says a source.
"Salman, while anchoring the weekend show, raged an argument with Kushal refusing to accept any instructions from the talk back ( editing console) and continued to blast the contestant," source added. Insiders often claim that Salman finds it hard to forget and forgive, and his tiff with Vivek Oberoi still continues similarly. The actor hates the sight of Kushal and has been heard abusing the contestant behind the sets of the reality show.Read more at-